25 Interesting Facts about Sleep

Sleep is a significant part of our life, and sleepwear is the comfiest thing you can wear. It is a signal to your brain that it's time to unwind and rest. However, have you ever thought that the activity that we all love so much, sleeping, has such interesting facts related to it?

Today, we will share our top 25 interesting facts about sleeping. 

REM sleep helps creative problem-solving

Many creative artists keep notepads next to them while sleeping because our brains can cook some creative ideas. The ideas may be random, so they can be easily forgotten. 

How long is the perfect nap?

According to NASA, the perfect naps last 26 minutes long. They discovered that the pilots who rested were only 54% efficient. On the contrary, 30 minutes of sleep is enough to rest without going into deep sleep.

Sleeping with eyes open

About 20% of people sleep with their eyes open without realizing it. It is nocturnal lagophthalmos, and if you suffer from it, you might need treatment for dry eyes.

Sleepless? Blame the Internet

Spending too much time on social media can impact not only your quality of sleep but also your ability to fall asleep. Maybe it's time to cut down on social media usage.

Hypnic Jerks

Do you also feel you're falling, and then you wake up with a jerk? 70% of people experience this phenomenon called the hypnic jerks. 

Sleep deprivation can be deadly

If you need to choose between food and sleep, get some rest because people can survive much longer without food than sleep.

There are 100+ sleep disorders

From insomnia to narcolepsy, a lot can go wrong with sleep. There are 100+ issues that can be divided into four main categories: difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying awake, difficulty maintaining a sleep schedule, and unusual behaviors.

How people slept in the pre-industrial era

Previously, people used to sleep in two phases (biphasic sleep) rather than eight consecutive hours.

Sleep and immunity

People who don't get enough sleep make themselves vulnerable to viruses. To make sure you stay on top of your health, get at least six hours of sleep.

Genetics impact your sleep

If you can survive on a few hours of sleep, there is a high chance someone else in your bloodline is like you because of genetics.

How quickly should you fall asleep?

Sleeping within 5 minutes of hitting the pillow indicates sleep deprivation, whereas taking more than 20 minutes can be a sign of insomnia.

Can you sneeze during sleep?

During the REM stage of your sleep, your muscles enter a paralysis-like state, which makes it impossible to sneeze during that.

Sleep deprivation is similar to being drunk

After 18 hours of being awake, your vigilance, reaction times, and cognitive abilities, are similar to having 0.05% alcohol in your blood.

Smells cannot wake you up

Noise can wake you up, while noxious pyridine cannot. That's why smoke alarms were invented.

Tigers and human babies need same amount of sleep

For proper development of the body and brain, toddlers and babies need 16 hours of sleep a day, which is the same as a fully-grown tiger.

Different nap lengths. Different benefits

Studies have revealed that micro naps (as short as 6 minutes can improve memory), while 10-20 minute naps can improve confidence and alertness. However, creative and emotional soundness needs at least 60 minutes. 

You don't remember 90% dreams

Studies have suggested that people aged 10+ dream multiple times a night. However, we are prone to forgetting 90% of the content 10 minutes after waking up. 

Sleep improves memory

If you sleep immediately after memorizing something, it can improve your ability for retention and recall. It may be due to REM sleep, which is a crucial stage for consolidating memories.

Lack of sleep causes overeating

A good night's sleep is necessary for the product of appetite-related hormones leptin and ghrelin. Lack of sleep dysregulates them, leading to disturbed eating patterns.


It involves people who may obsessively worry throughout the day about having to go to sleep due to nightmares or sleepwalking. 

Afternoon Slumps

Most people experience peak cortisol and blood pressure during the noon before dropping around the afternoon. This pair with post-lunch sugar fluctuations can introduce a state of drowsiness or afternoon slump. 

Women need more sleep

Women need eleven minutes more sleep than men because they are more active and need more time to repair their internal functions.

Social Jet Lag

Social jet lag involves staying up late and sleeping in late on the weekends than you do during the week due to your social calendar.

Only mammals to delay sleep?

All mammals realize the importance of sleep, whereas humans are the only ones who delay it due to social plans, technology, etc.

Improve Your Sleep with the Best Sleepwear in Pakistan

Cozy winter nights have finally arrived, and it's time to catch up on your sleep. 

At Night Need, we believe in providing night time care to every age group with our premium sleepwear. Visit our website for the best winter night suits to keep you warm and comfortable throughout the night.

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